Friday, September 09, 2005

Prayer for Today

Panch Nishan Kaur, my office mate, and I were meeting this morning and after tuning in, we picked cards. The card we picked was "Write your prayer - Read it 6 Times before you leave Home. So, we got together and wrote our prayers.

Prayer for Today
My prayer is to serve the mission of the Siri Singh Sahib while always tuning into my heart and listening. May I follow through with my intuition to be present where needed.
May I learn to be loving no matter how challanging a relationship is. May it always be in the spirit of Apay Guru Chela!

I pray to fully heal and support my physical being by bringing balance in the form of meditation, yoga, exercise, and a consciousness to feed myself energetically with great food and great energy that I surround myself with.

May I serve the Khalsa Council so the meetings may be prosperous and filled with unbounding love. May all the pre-work happen gracefully, efficiently, and in the spirit of empowerment.

May the prosperity come forth so I receive a Toyota Prius Hybrid Hatchback in a beige color wihtin the next 6 months

With Love and Blessings.

What is your prayer for today? Can you read it 6 times fast??


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